Planning a trip to Brunei from Dubai? Now you can apply for a Brunei Visa from Dubai with Go Kite Travel and Tours. With our expert guidance, you can apply for a tourist visa to Brunei Darussalam with a higher chance of getting the visa. If you wish to travel to Brunei from the UAE, then you should submit a tourist visa application at a mission of Brunei or a visa centre at least 15 days before travel (For Pakistan/ Bangladesh should apply well in advance- as it may take upto three months). The processing time for a Brunei visa is three to four working days and it may change based on nationality. Most travellers need a Visa to enter Brunei from Dubai except those who get visa on arrival when travelling to Brunei from Dubai.
On Arrival Visa to Brunei Darussalam for UAE Residents
The below-listed nationalities will get on arrival visas or free visas to Brunei Darussalam when travelling from Dubai. The visa can be obtained at Brunei International Airport and the duration of the stay depends on your nationality. Depending on your purpose of visit you will get a single entry to multiple entry visa to Brunei.
Free visa to Brunei Darussalam:
1. Passport
2. Photo
3. When you arrive in Brunei Darussalam you must have the below-listed documents:
1. Passport
2. Photo
3. When you arrive in Brunei Darussalam you must have the below-listed documents:
4. Medical Insurance- Overseas Travel Insurance
Requirements: Your insurance should be valid for the entire period of the requested visa. Minimum coverage 30,000 € (or USD Dollars) and repatriation. (Medical insurances of credit cards are not accepted).
5. Letter from local employer/sponsor (NOL)-NOC Letter from the Employer: The NOC should include name, postal address and telephone number of sponsor/company, with details about applicant’s working position, starting date of employment and salary and expected date to resume duties and purpose of travel. In the case of a partner, NOC should be obtained from other partners and Also valid trade license copy for the investor/partner of the company should be attached with the NOC.
6. In case of dependents- Sponsors valid passport copy and UAE residence visa to be attached with the cover letter.
f minors below the age of 18 (if applicable) – establishing legal parenthood: Copy of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree, if parents are divorced / death certificate of parent (The Fiji Consulate may request to submit the original document at a later stage).
Documents, need to be translated into English. “Letter of consent” (Authorization of Minors) from parents, including passport copies and valid UAE residence visa copies of both parents/ legal guardians in case the children are travelling with others.
As per the rule, The applicant must visit Brunei Darussalam to stamp the visit visa on their passport. The processing time of the Brunei Darussalam is 2 to 3 working days (Should be applied two weeks before the travel date). For Pakistan and Bangladesh passport holders, the processing time may take up to three months. Please be noted your travel date must be after 15 days from the date of your visa stamp.
In general, for countries that do require a Brunei Darussalam tourist visa, the cost might vary depending on factors such as the duration of stay and so on.